home construction

Unusual and Sustainable Materials You Can Use on Your Next Home Renovation


Home Remodeling can be time-consuming but it gives homes a fresher look and homeowners a newer outlook. Isn’t it nice to come home each day in a living space where you feel like it is an extension of yourself? Granted that home renovation isn’t easy and can be costly, there are various ways you can do to make it more affordable and sustainable.

When you are planning for a home renovation, you can always reuse space and recycle materials to help you lessen the cost while ensuring that you retain the memories of your home. You can also start a green revolution when you remodel your home. Start with sustainable materials that you can use to build a home that loves Mother Nature.

Here are  four unusual yet sustainable materials that you can use for your next home renovation.

Marine Plywood for your Cabinets

Have you tried using recycled marine plywood for your home? If not, better browse and check out stores that sell marine plywood in Auckland. For cabinets, marine-grade plywood is the best choice. It can last longer and is very resistant to termites, wood borers, and other pests. It is also water-resistant so it won’t shrink, crack, tarp, and warp. Even after 10 years, it still works flawlessly. Another thing that makes hard marine grade plywood a good choice is that it  has a beautiful finish, which makes your kitchen look rustic and modern. It never goes out of style so you use and reuse it over time.

Rubber Mulch for your Garden and Landscaping

If you are planning to renovate your garden and landscape, you don’t need to buy new vases and plant holders. Instead, switch to tires you haven’t disposed of, which you can use as your rubber mulch. It can last longer and is durable so you don’t need to change it often. Moreover, rubber mulch also looks better because it blends well with any theme. Just make sure to paint it so that it matches your garden’s overall look.

modern bathroom

Recycled Tiles for your Bathroom

When you first bought your home, there are probably spare tiles from your contractors. Ask your contractor for spare tiles and use it to update your bathroom look. You can also save more money because you don’t need to buy new tiles for your bathroom. Plus, you can go green since it lessens your waste.

Recycled Wood for Interior Doors

There’s something about the look of recycled wood that makes it look like it is strong and spunk. An interior door updates your home’s overall look, so the next time that you are in the mood for home renovation, don’t buy new doors yet! Look for salvaged wood that can be refurbished beautifully. Aside from being cost-efficient, it can also add personality to your home.

When you are in the mood for home renovation, start slow and small. Determine key areas you wanted to update and list down some of the things you want to retain and recycle. This can greatly help lower your cost and retain your home’s old look!

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