stylish home decor

When Comfort Meets Aesthetic: Top Home Decor Trends This 2021


As people adapt to the stay-at-home policy during the pandemic, our homes became more than just a dwelling place. It is now our office, gym, classroom, and more. Everyone seems focused on how our residences can accommodate the needs of the new normal. As a result, we developed a new reliance on our homes in terms of their functionality.

Interior designing led homeowners to unleash their creative sides. Our homes became a mix of everything we love to achieve comfort and visual perfection. However, fashion trends evolve, and so do home decorations. A little updating here and there is all we need to change it entirely.

From cottagecore coziness, warm earth tones, and snug spaces, these are the new design trends to bring life to your home throughout 2021.

1. Cottagecore Vogue

2021 is all about comfort, nostalgia, and coziness. A better way to channel these elements is through cottagecore. Think rustic vogue, but in a cuter version. Add some vintage prints and ginghams in a muted pastel palette, and you get a mix of elegant vintage and British quirkiness.

This homey look is your go-to style to achieve a country cottage look for your room. If you want to satisfy your need for comfort and coziness, cottagecore certainly delivers.

Get the look:

This style goes well for homes with plenty of traditional characters, such as paneled walls, wooden floorboards, bare brick, and exposed beams. Add a twist to these elements by applying the right amount of grain, texture, and rustic designs. You can also add traditional touches, such as nature-inspired prints, cute ornaments, statement gold accessories, and gilded cutlery.

If you want to see how homeowners channel cottagecore to their homes, use #cottagecore on Instagram, and you will find inspirational ideas.

2. Structured Simplicity

Derived from the Nordic retreat design of 2019, this style is all about making your home look like an inviting space to relax and regenerate. For those who treat their homes as their haven and sanctuary, this style will certainly work for you.

Your goal for this style is to create a calm and chilled-out space. Consider sustainability and thoughtful home elements. Structured simplicity doesn’t have to be too minimalistic. You can still add home features that will reflect your personality.

Get the look:

Switch from bold colors by replacing them with warm, neutral colors. You can also incorporate dark colors, but balance it out with plenty of neutrals. Incorporate natural materials, such as white paneled walls, unrefined neutral furnishings, brass accents, industrial lights, and other handcrafted elements.

3. Warm Earth Tones

Say hello to warm neutrals and nature-toned pigments. Warm earth tones are the hottest color trend brought to you by nature. Warm earth tones are slowly creeping up in every room décor, from rugs, sofa cushions, accent walls, and other key furniture pieces.

Get the look:

The good old-fashioned beige makes a comeback as the ideal base color to start on. Fans of dark blue and green should not feel left out. You can add a subtle mix of blue and green in your home decors. Great examples are green leaf and peacock blues.

If you want to add a pop of warm color to your furniture, seek help from experts who specialize in cabinet repainting.

simple living room home decor

4. Cuddly Spaces

By now, you may notice that comfort is the running theme on our list. The goal of this trend is to create our homes a safe, cocooning space to relax. This style goes well for cold winter months as you crave warmth and comfort. Think fabrics, snug textures, soft features, and other comfortable elements.

Get the look:

Layer up your room with fabrics and comforting textures, such as faux furs, cushions, blankets, or any cuddly add-on to make your space feel instantly calming and inviting.

5. Dried Flowers

Lazy plant owners, it’s time to rejoice! Say goodbye to greenery and fresh flower arrangements. People are switching from fresh bouquets to dried flowers and grasses. This new trend in floristry is the newest chic trend in home decors. It’s a practical yet aesthetic way to add life and color to your space.

Get the look:

You can make your own dried flowers or buy premade arrangements from your local florist. Fancy vases, wine bottles, and other sustainable alternatives make great containers for dried flower bouquets.

Incorporating design trends in our private spaces is a great way to invest in quality pieces, whether large or small. As you focus on improving your home’s aesthetic features, comfort and functionality will also follow. What really matters is to make your home a place of retreat, rest, and solace.

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