Woman smiling

Using Hair Serum: The Proper Way to Do it


Have you ever wondered how those shampoo and hair care product models get shiny and beautiful hair? Well, most of them are definitely not born with it, and they have undergone tons of processes before they were able to achieve that look.

Most girls feel some type of envy when looking at these models, but you definitely should not, as you can also achieve beautiful hair — as long as you work hard for it!

Thanks to blow dryers and hair serums, most of us can now achieve hair that looks like the ones on TV advertisements. Hair serums can make your hair look shiny, healthy, and beautiful without even having to put too much effort into it. All you have to do is apply it religiously and voila, you can now have amazing hair just like you have always dreamt of.

The Discovery That I’m Thankful For

I have always been sceptic about hair care products, especially serums. I thought they were just a gimmick and marketing strategy form hair product companies. However, one day, I got curious and decided to try Kedma Skincare’s Mineral Hair Serum. I was a bit desperate since my hair was dehydrated and super frizzy back then.

I thought this was just another serum but to my surprise, it worked wonders on my hair! My hair felt bouncy, healthy, shiny, and even tangle-free after using this for just a couple of days. The frizziness has gone away and my hair is now super easy to comb and style. I have been using this mineral hair serum for over eight months now and I seriously would not be using any other serum but this one.

Woman putting hair serum

I make sure to use the serum right, though, as using it the wrong way can cause super oily hair and tangled tresses. I apply it only to the ends of my hair, as this is usually where the dryness is. I also wash my hair before using it, as not doing so will only weigh my hair down and add to the natural oils that my hair already has. Lastly, I make sure not to overdo it and I only use a pea-sized amount every time I apply it on my hair.

Serums can either make or break your look. If you use the wrong one for your hair type, then it will most likely make your hair super oily. This will cause your hair to be worn down, which is not exactly a cute look for anyone. When looking for the right hair serum, do not be afraid to take risks. It definitely would be a trial and error, but everything will be well worth once you find the right product for your hair type. When you finally find it, make sure to stick to it and do not replace it with any other product ever again!

Kedma’s Mineral Hair Serum is just not another product in the market. It is truly a breakthrough product that can help lots of women and even men get rid of their hair problems! Try it and see for yourself.

Villa Hope Content Team

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