wedding cake

Three Things to Keep in Mind When Building Your Wedding Cheese Tower


The cheese tower has overtaken the naked sponge cake in the wedding cake category. More brides are choosing this savory alternative, which, apart from looking gorgeous, also pairs well with wedding dishes that’s trendy in Salt Lake City, like salad box lunches, charcuterie, white pasta, and more.

The catch, however, is that it can be tricky to build a cheese wheel tower. Unlike a wedding cake that’s just made of sponge, buttercream, and fondant, a cheese tower “cake” requires careful consideration to achieve the perfect balance of colors, textures, and flavors. So before you order those cheese wheels, keep these tips in mind to assemble an unforgettable piece de resistance.

Pre-Taste Everything

Don’t rely on descriptions; taste the cheeses yourself, so you can verify if they will pair well with the dishes you’ll be serving. As much as possible, include different types of cheeses: soft and hard, creamy and firm, mild and sharp.

It also pays to see what the cheeses look in person, so you know how well it fits in with your wedding motif. For instance, if you’re going for a rustic SLC wedding, go for cheeses with heavily textured rind and warm, yellow colors. If you’re doing a country house hotel, however, classic cheeses with light colors and finer textures would blend in seamlessly with the venue.

Be Mindful of the Cheese Quantity

cheese board

Because it’s a tower, you’ll have to choose cheese wheels of different diameters. Some wheels will be smaller than others and therefore, serve fewer guests. So be mindful of the quantity of cheese. If you want to serve everyone with an even selection, order a few more of your smaller cheese wheels.

If you think you’ve ordered enough cheese for your company, but they look rather small (relative to the food spread and the venue), add height by placing separators between the tiers. This stops you from ordering too much cheese that won’t be eaten during the meal (unless of course, you want to be well-stocked during the first few months of married life). The separators can be hidden with decorative flowers and fruits. You can also place the entire cheese tower on a cake stand to add more grandeur.

Use Soft Cheeses in Lower Layers

Say you’ll be needing lots of soft cheese for your salads and baguettes, but you’re afraid of ordering a huge cheese wheel and placing it in the lower tiers. After all, soft cheeses won’t be able to support the weight of the wheels above — toppling down and making a mess is not a risk you’re willing to take on your nuptials.

Don’t be afraid to use soft cheeses in the lower levels of the tower. The secret to a sturdy cake is an eggcup.

Cut a circle in the center of the soft cheese and place an eggcup. Make sure that the eggcup is slightly taller than the soft wheel. Then, place the next tier (preferably a hard cheese) on the eggcup. If extra support is needed, use three eggcups and place a cake board before placing the next wheel. Just like the separator, you can cover it with flowers and fruit.

Have fun with the decorations, too. Ideally, choose flowers with colors that complement the motif of your wedding. When selecting fruits, go for classics like grapes and figs. Nuts and herbs also give the cake a rustic and elegant touch.

Once everything’s done, you have the peace of mind that your cake will be unforgettable, delicious, and reflect the newlywed’s personal tastes.

Villa Hope Content Team

Villa Hope Content Team

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