
How to Create a Space for at Home Learning


With or without the pandemic halting all learning activities outside our homes, the rise of online learning was easy to perceive. The number of skills we can acquire without attending face-to-face classes made it easier for us to access new knowledge and learn new things.

But are we sure that we are getting everything out of the classes we take online? The question arises from the fact that we spend most of our time learning online in the comfort of our homes. Some are lucky enough to have adequate space to create the right environment for learning.

For those of you who do not have—or you do not know where to build the learning space—here are a few tips:

Find a space where you will not be disturbed

If you live with your family and they interrupt you with what they need to ask you almost every hour, getting anything through your head will not be easy.

A study conducted by the University of California in Irvine shows that it takes about 23 minutes for you to claim your focus back from non-work activities.

Think about this—if you get interrupted at least three times during your learning hours, you waste over an hour trying to get your learning energy back. The number does not include the time you spend away from what you are due to whatever or whoever interrupted you.

If you do not have a designated space that you can use at home, put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign where you spend your time learning. If you are paying for the classes you are taking, you would want to get the most out of it.

Make sure the room or space you will be using is free from any distraction that can throw you off.

Get rid of distractions

Interruptions from people you live with are things that are not under your control. You cannot remove your housemates from your learning environment to prevent them from interrupting you.

However, distractions such as a television, bed, snacks, or phone can take you away from doing a task more than other people would. You can easily lose track of time the moment you plop to your bed and scroll through Instagram. Worse? You may even fall asleep and wake up to realise you are a day behind your tasks.

woman smiling

The Association for Psychological Science published a study that found that minimalist interior design can increase focus and productivity. The less stuff you have within your view and reach—the more time you have to do what you need to do.

A minimalist learning environment only has the necessities—a computer, a notebook, a pen, books, and your concentration. Everything else should be on the proper storage shelves to avoid wasting your time.

Decorate your space with natural elements

Indoor plants were found to help increase levels of concentration and productivity by up to 15 percent. Additionally, they relieve stress and improve our mood. Let us not forget how good they are to look at—which can be a distraction—but a good one for it provides positive feelings.

Another thing from nature that can help you focus and get the most out of learning at home is getting as much natural light as possible. If you study during the daytime, opt for a spot near your windows.

If your yard looks like an ideal space and if you live in a quiet neighbourhood—you can plop there and soak in nature’s invigorating powers to help you study better.

You can avoid headaches just by being under adequate natural light. It is never good to spend too much time using your computer, anyway. However, if you prefer to study during nighttime, get yourself a lamp that can mimic natural light. Do not forget to pry the light away from your eyes.

Get in uncomfortable spaces

We do not mean you study on top of your car or anything that sounds below comfortable for you. With uncomfortable spaces, we are saying you study in places that are not your bed, your couch, or your kitchen.

Studying in your bed will encourage your body to relax and consequently fall asleep at a time it should be up. To get maximum focus and tell your body that it is time to study, sit up straight on a chair that is not your couch. Doing so will keep you alert and awake.

It tells your body that it is not the right time to relax. But this can be hard if you are not well-rested. Make sure to get enough.

With these ideas in mind, you can focus properly on getting the knowledge even when in the comfort of your home.

Villa Hope Content Team

Villa Hope Content Team

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