woman holding clear braces

Wondering if there are any benefits of invisible braces? Read on for the top 5!


Whether you are living in the UK or Australia, at some point, you will have heard about adult orthodontics.

Able to straighten the teeth of adults and teenagers without the use of a metal brace, there are now innumerable aligners available to get your smile straighter and looking healthier. Sound too good to be true? Well, the majority of these braces and aligners, like Invisalign in Wagga, can offer a faster turn–around time than traditional braces, giving you a straighter smile in less than a year!

Best of all, the majority of adults can undertake treatment with this brace, so you will probably be suitable for this treatment.

Are there any other advantages of using Invisalign from Wagga? Read on to find out!

Better oral health

Many people remember their childhood friend who wore traditional braces and required regular trips to the hygienist to keep their oral health in top shape. As a child, this was far from appealing as an adult, it is almost unthinkable! With Invisalign near Wagga, your oral health will not be negatively impacted by the brace; you can remove it to brush your teeth and attend dental check-ups, allowing you to keep your glowing white smile throughout the course of the treatment.


Not many people realise how beneficial it can be to have a removable brace- you can take it out for photographs, for brushing your teeth and for eating food. But with this comes the temptation to take it out and leave it out; to gain the benefits that this brace offers, you will need to wear it for a minimum of 22 hours per day, only removing it for eating and brushing your teeth. Always remember to put the brace back in!

clear braces

Accelerated results

As you may have heard, this brace has an average treatment time of 6-9 months, making it one of the fastest adult orthodontic options. However, you may require slightly longer with this brace, especially if you have a more complex orthodontic issue or you have been removing it frequently.


This brace is made from clear plastic, making it invisible to almost everyone.

And so, this makes it more suitable for adults and teenagers, especially when compared to traditional metal braces. With this brace, you will be able to get the straighter smile you want without being self-conscious about your smile. Perfect!

Easy care

As you may have gathered, a key advantage of this clear brace is its ease of use.

To clean the aligner, all you have to do is rinse it under a cold tap and, if there are stains, simply clean the aligner with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Refrain from using hot water to clean the aligner, as this may cause the plastic to warp. Similarly, do not use mouthwash as this can cause the plastic to discolour. When you aren’t wearing the brace, simply put it into the carry case that it came with and voila! An easy to care for, no-hassle brace! Great stuff!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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