green miniature house

A Little Bit Greener: Ways to Live an Eco-Friendlier Lifestyle


As people’s awareness regarding taking care of the environment and cleaning up the planet increases, more and more are showing a willingness to make significant changes to their lifestyles. However, the amount of efforts required in making these changes possible make it seem like a more eco-friendly life is an almost impossible feat.

But, while huge steps like owning a hybrid car and building custom Utah homes can undoubtedly make a huge impact, there are simpler, everyday activities and more accessible ways we’ll be able to reduce our carbon footprint.

Here are some of the easiest, more practical ways of going green:

Turn off your appliances

One of the easiest yet most important practices you can do to lower your carbon footprint is through conserving energy. If you leave your appliances on standby without pulling the plugs, they end up using energy needlessly.

Make sure to switch off everything after use, and you’ll not only do your share in saving the environment, but you’ll also see huge improvements in your energy bills.

Invest in more eco-friendly technology

Turning off your unused appliances can do wonders. But, take it to the next level by making sure the majority of the tech you have is as energy-efficient as possible. By doing so, you only end up using minimal energy while your tech is on, helping you save huge amounts of money and reduce your energy input.

Consume less meat

A huge portion of the whole eco-friendly lifestyle is about what we choose to consume. So, the best way to start is by cutting down on the amount of meat products you eat every day. If going full vegan or vegetarian is too much of a commitment, you can try not eating meat two or three times a week.

Diet changes such as this can be significant for your health while reducing your carbon footprint at the same time.

Thrift or swap; don’t shop

This is going to be a considerable challenge for the shopaholics out there, but try to limit your clothing purchases if you want to do your share to protect the environment. Thankfully, swap shops are becoming more popular.

These allow many fashionistas to keep their wardrobes updated without contributing to the millions worth of clothing waste that go straight to the landfill every year. Also known as “swishing,” this activity of swapping clothes is fast-becoming an alternate to constant clothing shopping.

You simply bring your old but still useful clothes you no longer wear and join an event where you can swap clothes with other people. Another option is going thrift shopping. Thrift shops, flea markets, and secondhand shops are great places, especially if you’re looking for rare vintage finds, whether it’s clothing or home decors.

Do some of your food shopping online

miniature cart on top of a laptop keyboard

Online shopping may feel like such a lazy activity, but when you consider the benefits it can bring to the environment, it might make you think twice. Doing your shopping from the comforts of your own house reduces the number of car trips and associated carbon emissions multiple shoppers make.

Instead, these unnecessary drives are reduced to just one delivery van. But, if you really need to go to the supermarket, you can bring your own shopping bag instead of getting those plastic ones.

Villa Hope Content Team

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