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What Type of IV Treatment Is Most Appropriate for You?


If you’re concerned with your health or beauty and finding the best treatments out there, you’ve most likely heard of the many trends in healthcare becoming more accessible to the public. These days, it’s not hard to find a legitimate clinic that provides IV infusion therapy in cities and bustline areas. IV treatment has been around for decades. Recently, there has been a surge in its usage beyond being a part of treatment plans for conditions. It is also a preventative health measure and a boost for any individual.

Of course, there are different infusions to pick from, and if you’ve thought about trying it out for yourself, you may be wondering which one will work best for you correctly. Here are some of the more commonly offered options and who can benefit from them the most.

  • Myers’ Cocktail

This option is arguably among the truly most popular ones because it is meant to help the body fight infection. It also has been used as an alternative therapy for many conditions, including fibromyalgia syndrome. In a pilot study conducted by the Yale University School of Medicine and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, their subjects suffer from fibromyalgia. Results revealed that when they were infused with Myers’ Cocktail intravenously, they experienced significant improvement with symptoms like pain, tenderness, and depression within eight weeks of the treatment.

For those who don’t have the condition, the combination of Magnesium and Vitamins C, B12, and others in this particular option can assist your natural healing process. It can also alleviate some chronic symptoms of asthma.

doctor and patient

  • IV Chelation

It is problematic when metals build up in your body as it is not meant to contain these toxic materials for long and at high levels. That is why chelation therapy was created to specifically combat heavy metal toxicity in the body, usually with common offenders like lead, mercury, arsenic, and even iron. One way to detoxify your body from these is by IV drip chelation treatment that makes the metals bind to the mixture and be expelled when you go to the bathroom.

Aside from its primary use, however, it has also been explored as a viable option for treating specific symptoms in Alzheimer’s and autism. It’s important to note that while this process is also one of the safest procedures, medical professionals will adequately regulate its administration because it can also bind other healthy metals like zinc and calcium.

  • IV Immune Boost

This one, of course, is a great general option that can help you have a substantial health boost at any time of the year. It can prove very helpful if you’re feeling fatigued a lot and feel more susceptible to getting other sicknesses like the common cold. It’s also reportedly good for balancing out your metabolism.

It primarily works as a supplement. It goes directly to your bloodstream and skips the long lines at the digestive system (pun intended) to boost your immunity and remedy vitamin or mineral deficiencies you might have.

Knowing these options can help you make a better decision. If you find a reputable clinic or medical professional that can provide IV infusion treatment, you can go for it with some knowledge in your back pocket.

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