dentist and patient

What is a root canal treatment?


A root canal treatment consists of removing the infected pulp of a tooth, which is done to ensure there are no infected nerves inside it. This will protect the other teeth from further damage and eliminate the bacteria from the infected tooth. In some cases, the tooth will have to be fully extracted. However, the earlier the root canal treatment is performed the better the chance that there will not need to be a full extraction of the tooth. This treatment is beneficial by preserving the treated tooth and it also stops the infected tooth from damaging other teeth.

What happens in a root canal treatment?

Before the initial process can take place a dentist Luton will have to take an X-ray to see the underlying issues behind the tooth infection. Before the surgery can take place an anaesthetic will be used, this is to ensure minimum discomfort. Several rubber dams will be located around the tooth to keep it dry. After this a hole will be drilled into the tooth and this will enable the dentist to remove any bacteria, pulp and any deteriorated nerve tissue.This next step involves using a file and water, this will help cleanse the tooth. The time and number of appointments needed depends on the number of roots attached to the affected tooth. Shortly after this, the dentist will treat the hole with required medication, along with firstly temporary and finally permanent fillings for the future prevention of harm.

Benefits of a root canal treatment

A root canal treatment has many benefits including the fact that it has the potential to save natural teeth. It also has many other advantages that are attached to it.

Cost effective

Root canal treatments need less follow up treatments, therefore the procedure is much more cost effective. Tooth extraction requires many appointments, because it also involves the  discussion of dental implants and dentures, hence why the tooth extraction is more costly.

dentists looking at an xray

Pain relief

A root canal treatment provides a cure for the pain from the infected pulp. This is because it alleviates the pressure caused by inflammation from the surrounding tooth. This usually happens within 1-2 days post treatment.

Improved appearance

An infected tooth can differ from other teeth and can sometimes often appear decayed and deteriorated, this can cause stains on the teeth. Occasionally a root canal treatment, depending on the situation, can involve planting a crown. This can make a huge difference to an individual’s appearance and it eliminates any sign of damaged or discoloured tooth. This can enhance a patient’s appearance as well as giving a natural finish.

When should a person get a root canal treatment?

Many symptoms may appear before a root canal treatment is necessary; this can involve any persistent pain that affects the way an individual consumes food. This pain can also be identified in areas such as the bone under the tooth. Other areas include the jaw and face. A second common symptom is when one is sensitive to hot and cold food. When eating food at these temperatures it may cause an individual to feel a dull ache from the tooth. This could be a sign that the nerves that help structure the tooth are damaged. A third symptom is when an individual has identified they have swollen gums. The swelling can be on and off, near the infected tooth which can cause tenderness of the gum. One last symptom is if the teeth become much looser causing issues with tooth mobility. The bone that makes up the tooth begins to gradually soften which loosens the surrounding teeth.

It is important that an individual sees a dentist if they notice and identify any of these signs that may currently be occurring. This is to ensure that less drastic surgery is needed.

Villa Hope Content Team

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