woman taking online course

These Are Pandemic-era Courses You Should Take Right Now


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, students and teachers find ways to bring back a sense of normalcy in education systems across the world. In many countries, schools took to online learning settings to provide continuity of learning for millions of learners. College students, for one, continue to hold lab and fieldwork at the comfort and safety of their homes. Such a commendable determination shows how learners can be resilient and pursue learning opportunities whenever possible.

According to the American Safety Council, the shift from face to face classes to online teaching-learning settings has some benefits to it. The concept and practice of e-Learning rose exponentially, particularly during the ongoing pandemic situation. This setup spans the entire range of education systems — from primary and elementary schools to high schools, college, graduate schools, and technical-vocational schools.

Here are five practical courses that you should try during this pandemic:

  1. Financial markets.

    A course on financial markets will teach you the intricacies and rudiments of banking, securities, and insurance. You will also learn about the principles of behavioural finance and risk management and become a financial-savvy leader in the future. Yale University offers this course via Coursera, so you better check it out soon.

  2. Electrical trade.

    An electrical trade certification course is among the many online courses that wouldn’t just teach you important practical life skills but also translate to real-world employment opportunities. A certification in electrical trade could open numerous doors for you to gain employment taking care of the electrical needs of homes, industrial facilities, and business establishments. In short, it’s one excellent online course that has a huge potential return on investment (ROI). Be sure to consider enrolling in such a course immediately.

  3. Child nutrition and cooking.

    family cooking and eating
    The COVID-19 pandemic brought out the sleeping nutritionists and chefs in many individuals — housewives, college students, and the average Joes with nothing much to do at home. Hence, another great course you should take is child and nutrition cooking. By taking this course, you’ll learn how parents’ way of providing nutrition to kids could affect not only their health but also their life in general when they grow up. You’ll also know how to prepare nutritious food and how you could transfer your knowledge to parents with growing kids. It’s a highly fulfilling course with a great impact not only on you but on parents and their kids as well.

  4. Science of well-being.

    If you don’t want the usual courses and you’re up for a more adventurous route, then a science of well-being course is perfect for you. With the discovery of scientists on the huge risks faced by individuals who have compromised immune systems, the need for people to look after their health and general well-being became pronounced. With this course, you’ll learn how to establish and maintain productive habits and enhance your inner peace and happiness.

  5. Innovation for entrepreneurs.

    This interesting online course will let you in on the process of generating business ideas and marketing them towards success. You’ll learn how to craft marketing strategies and come up with innovative practices that could change things for the better in the business and marketing realms. No less than techniques and ideas used in the University of Maryland’s MA degree in technology entrepreneurship feature prominently in this online course, so you’re guaranteed to learn a great deal from it.

If you’re currently considering taking online courses to supplement your regular education or use the certification that you’ll get by finishing an online course, you should consider these great examples.

Villa Hope Content Team

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