modern kitchen design

Stealing the Look of the Kitchen from Your Favorite YouTuber


One day, when you open your Instagram, you might find yourself watching your friends’ stories about them showing off their cooking skills. Or maybe, you are one of them.

It is no longer surprising how the pandemic lockdown has made someone to level up their cooking skill. Even the one that you’ve known never entered the kitchen can now become the master of cooking. There are a lot of benefits that you can earn by cooking at home. You can make sure how hygiene the ingredients and tools that you are using. You can measure the amount of seasoning according to your preference. Most importantly, you can make healthier food that will match your diet!

Through all the benefits of cooking at home, you will also encounter some struggles. For beginners, facing those struggles might be exhausting. If you’re new to cooking and still wondering what kind of struggles that you will face in your kitchen, here are some examples that you might not find in any other article.

Missing Utensils

Sometimes you want to prepare multiple dishes at one time. At the first step, it might be easy. You’ve been planning inside your head each step that you will do with precise timing. But switching utensils in a short period can make your adrenaline rushed. The clock is ticking; the meat won’t wait for you as they will get overcooked or burnt.

That’s when everything is going down.

Time pressure and your inability to find the utensil that you need, on some occasions, will make you feel panicked. That one spatula you were using a minute ago will somehow disappear from your sight. You can’t waste any more time looking for your spatula and failed your cooking. Sadly, it doesn’t happen only to your spatula. It is often for someone to lose their knife, spoon, and any other utensil that they are using. When actually, they are not lost.

It is because your kitchen is too disorganized that the tool you’re looking for is hidden somewhere. The disorganized kitchen will most likely stress you out and decrease the efficiency of your work.

kitchen with center island

Smoke Detector

Isn’t it annoying to have a smoke detector beeping so loudly while you’re cooking? They said it might happen because you use the wrong cooking oil. That is why following the recipe thoroughly is very important for first-timers. But some accidents that may happen when you are in the kitchen will also set your smoke detector on.

One tip, though. When it happened, turn off the stove then took a deep breath to calm yourself. Because sometimes, when you react too quickly to turn off the smoke detector, you might put yourself in danger by leaving your stove on without your supervision.

Lack of Space and Lighting

Have you ever felt suffocated and wishing to go out from your kitchen to breathe the fresh air? Or sometimes, feeling that you need to turn on the lights even in the middle of broad daylight? It might be a sign that you have a too narrow space to move around while cooking. Or, it might be related to your disorganized kitchen.

When you feel that your kitchen is too stuffy, you have to consider rearranging your kitchen. It’s not just to increase your comfort when you are cooking your meals, but also to make your cooking activity fun. With the perfect organization and enough working space, you might even cook with your loved ones and strengthen the bond of your relationship.

So, what’s stopping you from stepping up your game?

Steal the Look

If you seek cooking references from YouTube channels, you will see how easily they cook something. The way they prepared the ingredients, picking up the right utensils, set their timing precisely, and execute their cooking steps smoothly. Perhaps, their cooking experience will come to your mind.

But it is more than that. Look closely, and you will see how they organize their kitchen. An organized kitchen creates spaces for them to move around. Also, it will save their time from looking for their utensils.

You can remodel your kitchen and steal the look from your favorite YouTuber. But if you’re unsure about what kind of design is suitable for the available spaces in your kitchen, you can ask for some advice from the nearest remodeling contractor. Asking the experts about what’s best for you will reduce the risk of failure in designing your dream kitchen.

Aside from having many benefits, cooking at home also has some struggles that you have to overcome. Sometimes, the struggles are caused by your disorganized kitchen. It is essential to organize your kitchen, especially to avoid the unwanted feeling when you’re cooking. With the best kitchen layout, you can boost your cooking mood!

Villa Hope Content Team

Villa Hope Content Team

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