woman cleaning the floor

How to Know if You’re Hiring the Right Air Duct Cleaning Service


Is it time to hire an air duct cleaning service in your Meridian home? Before you make an appointment, know that there may be scammers lurking around with the intention of making you believe that you have mold or health issues in your duct, to weasel more money out of you. Watch out especially for those too-good-to-be-true coupons priced at $49.99 that perhaps came in your mail. You may end up paying a lot more than you bargained for.

When it comes to air duct cleaners, reliability and reputability are key. Here are the top tips to consider to ensure that you are hiring the right one for your home:

Is it Time for a Good Clean?

According to the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), the best time for an air duct cleaning is anywhere between three to five years. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), however, does not give an actual timeline but says that it is best to do so when you notice a substantial reason to do so, such as a vermin infestation, mold growth, or large amounts of debris or dust in your air duct system.

Expected Amount to Pay

Man computing using calculator

A proper and thorough cleaning job should set you back anywhere from $400 to as much as $1000, according to the EPA and the NADCA. The actual amount depends on the size of your home, but the average American can expect to shell out about $500 for a job well done.

Is it Worth It?

Although no scientific evidence has actually proven that your air quality can be improved by cleaning out your air ducts, experts still say that there is definite value in having them properly managed. 

Avoid Scammers

One of the most common baits a scammer might use to get their foot in your door is by promising an all too good to be true value for a cleaning job. This is the time to be wary of those $50 dollar cleaning coupons sent by mail. Once inside your house, the “contractor” may start talking about “main lines” or “mold growth” that are actually only methods for them to be able to sneak out an extra few hundred dollars from you. 

If you truly want to use a coupon, check the fine print. Look for caveats such as an imposition of a limit to only 10 vents and one main line. Most houses have more than those numbers stipulated and you do not want to fall into the bait. 

Watch out for extremely cheap contractors as well. For even if they do not trap you into shelling out exorbitant prices, they may not do a thorough job of cleaning your vents. Think of a half-hearted attempt with a vacuum cleaner before calling it a day.

What to Look For

While most cities and states don’t require a license from air duct cleaners, you can still find a way to test their reputability. Ask for a written copy of workers compensation coverage and liability insurance — if they are legit and reliable. They should be happy to provide you with one. If they don’t have it, it’s time to scout for another contractor.

Having your air ducts cleaned seems to be a random chore, easily done by any air duct cleaning service provider. But if you want the job well done, it is best to adhere to the guidelines set by the experts. 

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