Maintaining a proper and nutritious diet is a great way to ensure your cat’s health. This is especially crucial if your cat is suffering from a urinary tract infection, for instance. Aside from providing your furry friend with cat food that helps with urinary tract infection, you should also be aware of the key nutritional needs of your cat.
Provide access to clean water
Like any other living creature, your cat needs constant access to clean water. Without it, your cat could become ill in a matter of hours. Milk or any other liquid should not be considered a substitute for water.
Know which food to feed your cat
There are three main types of cat food: wet, semi-moist and dry. Since cats tend to get most of their moisture from the food that they eat, wet or canned food is a great choice due to its high water content. Wet food also contains more animal protein. Dry food, on the other hand, have more carbohydrates. Whatever your choice of food is, it is fine as long as you always give your feline friend access to fresh water.
Include animal-based protein in your cat’s diet
Cats are born carnivorous and have very different kinds of nutritional needs compared to dogs. This means that your cat needs a huge amount of animal-based proteins in his or her diet. You can try feeding cats fresh meat to give them the protein that their bodies need.
Do not give table scraps
Bear in mind that humans have different nutritional needs compared to cats. In fact, some foods such as onions and garlic can be poisonous to them. Milk and dairy products can cause diarrhea while mushrooms can make cats severely ill due to toxins. Grapes and raisins also contain toxins that can affect cats’ kidneys. So, ensure that you do not have any leftover food on your table so that they will not have access to it.
Feed just the right amount of food
Feeding them too much could cause them to become overweight. On the other hand, feeding them too little could cause illnesses. So, learn to adjust the amount of food that you feed them depending on their needs. Obesity is among the most common diseases among cats. It is associated with many other health issues such as urinary tract disease, diabetes and arthritis.
Talk to a veterinarian
You should consult a veterinarian as soon as you notice any sudden changes in your cat’s eating and drinking habits. If it becomes too clear, then it could be a sign that your cat is ill and needs immediate medical care and attention.
Making sure that your cat receives the right nutrients that his or her body needs is the best way to ensure your furry friend’s health. It is always best to speak with your veterinarian to ask for more tips on preparing a well-balanced meal for your feline friend. Also, always read the label when choosing cat food for your pet.