eye check-up

3 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Eye Surgery


If you are getting eye surgery, you are not alone. According to the American Academy of Opthalmology, over 2 million cataract surgeries are performed in the United States every year. And the number is only projected to rise as the procedure becomes cheaper and more accessible to people. >

Eye doctors prescribe surgical treatment to treat a wide variety of eye disorders. The procedures are often safe and have a high success rate. However, many people still feel hesitant about getting eye surgery, such as cataract extraction with IOL.

The success rate of some eye surgeries has significantly improved in the last few years. In many cases, you can even go home just a few hours after the procedure. While the recovery time might differ from patient to patient, in most cases, vision is improved or restored within a few days to weeks.

Here’s how you can speed up the recovery process and minimize inconveniences:

1. Drink lots of water

Many people assume that you shouldn’t drink water before a surgical procedure. That can be true in some instances, but it is unnecessary for eye surgery. In fact, you should even drink more water as you prepare for the procedure.

Water is essential to your body’s systems and will help speed up the healing process. After the procedure, you might need a few days to weeks to adjust to the changes. There will be times that your eyes will feel a little dry. Staying hydrated keeps your eye from becoming too dry. These are just some of the reasons why you should be drinking lots of water during recovery.

2. Stock up on meals

Many eye surgeries are elective procedures, meaning you will have plenty of time to prepare and plan for your recovery. After the procedure, you will have little to zero eyesight for a significant amount of time. You might need assistance to perform basic actions like eating or going to the bathroom. You can minimize the discomfort by doing a few things to make things easier for you after the surgery.

For instance, you can pre-cook meals and store them in your fridge. You can cook whatever you want; just make sure that they don’t spoil right away. You can also ask friends and family to assist you during your recovery period.

3. Take a break from work

resting at home

You want to slowly let go of stress and worry as you approach the date of the procedure. To make sure you are relaxed on the designated day, you might need to take a few days off work before and after the surgery. Of course, you won’t be able to go to work right away, so taking a medical leave after the procedure makes sense. But having a few days before the surgery to relax can improve success rates.

These pointers will help you shorten your recovery time and make life easier for you. Don’t forget to ask your doctor a few questions about what to do during recovery, as you will be spending most of it at home. Follow their instructions to the letter and always speak your mind if you have questions or reservations.

Villa Hope Content Team

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