woman on pool

3 Things You Can Do on Your Weekend Vacation


When you are working for a corporate job, time can pass by so fast. You will not even realize that a year of working has passed until your administrative officers send an email regarding your year-end part. You would then think back, what did you do the whole year? Why was the year uneventful (aside from the current pandemic)? Were there even events that you could consider highlights of the year, or being the employee of the month was enough for you? Don’t get us wrong. Being hardworking and career-driven is amazing, admirable even. Who wouldn’t be inspired to work hard for a company that provides employee insurance and benefits? Still, it wouldn’t hurt to take a breather from your fast-paced life.

While the world is still recovering from the virus, it is understandable to have some reservations about going out and enjoying your weekends. However, do you want another year to pass by without creating memories? We are almost at the end of 2021, so what’s your plan? Or maybe you do have plans, or you have been meaning to draw some, but you are too tired to organize knowing that you still have to face Monster Mondays. Fret not, here are some things you can do to enjoy your weekend leaves.

Book an Airbnb and Enjoy a Staycation

A stay-in vacation is perhaps, the simplest yet underrated form of vacation. Why? Because a staycation grants you a change of scenery that any working professional all so need. Away from the clutter of your house and away from your work desk. Regardless if you are working from home or you are back in the office now, having some time to step away from both settings is good. It would literally be a breath of fresh air. Plus, you will get to enjoy different amenities. You will be able to enjoy yourself in a jacuzzi, the hotel bar, or even the balcony (if you do not have one at home).

You can file a vacation leave on a Friday and enjoy at least three days and two nights of break. You can even choose to do nothing but sleep on a well-tended mattress with room service by your door and know what the real essence of a stay-in vacation is. Lastly, you can even invite some friends over. It is one of the best ways to catch up and be safe during this time when new variants pop like recent TikTok trends every quarter.

Go Hiking and Trekking

Now, we have the opposite of staycation. Let us go outside and enjoy nature.

Hiking and camping are two things anyone with the energy left can do over the weekend. It is the perfect activity for those who are currently experiencing burnout and exhaustion. See, the tediousness with corporate jobs can make someone exhausted. Even if some would say, “But you’re just like sitting and facing your laptop!” Well, do not let them disrespect your profession that way simply because you are not doing hard labor. White-collared jobs can be draining, too, maybe not in the way blue-collared jobs do, but in a way that makes your mind tired that you can no longer function properly. No amount of coffee can fix this, and only deadlines can attempt to give burnt-out workers a boost.

Thus, hiking over the weekend would be the perfect quick getaway for those who are mentally drained from work. It is not your body that is actually tired, but your mind is. Hence, the view that you will get to see when you reach the peak of the mountain will be enough to remind you that life is about more than just surviving. Life is more than just being corporate soldiers trying to survive a financial war.

Be Spontaneous

two red chairs

Have you ever had friends that call you so suddenly about an invitation? Have you ever said yes, or you kept saying no because of work? Well, now is the time to file a leave of absence and say yes. Remember that iconic I Love It scene from the movie Bad Moms (2016)? Yes, that is the closest thing to describe being spontaneous. Go out with your friends, live at the moment. We can never get it back. Yes, work is work, but being spontaneous once in a while will remind you why you are working for.

Therefore, do yourself a favor, and the next time a friend calls in to invite you for anything, say yes.

Final Thoughts

Having a corporate job is already being scoffed at by nomad workers, those who’ve found a silver lining in doing remote jobs. Don’t let them do that because you have the power to enjoy your weekends from time to time, too. It’s up to you how you use it.







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