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Seven Easy Ways to Make Your Home Allergy-free


Our immune system is our primary defense against external invaders such as bacteria and viruses. But sometimes, it produces antibodies as a response to foreign substances that are not usually harmful to our health.  Depending on the allergen, a person with an allergic reaction may experience sneezing or inflammation.

While you can entirely control what allergens you can come across outdoors, you can minimize the risk of having allergy symptoms inside your home. Protect yourself and your family from possible allergies by maintaining a clean and healthy home environment. Read on to learn how.

  1. Keep your floors spotless

Your pet’s paws and your shoes are two of the major culprits of bringing allergens inside your home. The problem even gets worse when you have a soft, plush area rug or carpet that can accumulate the dust around your home. With that in mind, make sure to sweep your floors regularly. If you have a carpet or rug, it’s best to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. In case you have hardwood floors, check if they are sealed or not. You shouldn’t use water when cleaning unsealed floors as it can cause the wood to warp or swell.

  1. Dust every furniture

Your home furniture, particularly those with surfaces, can house allergens. Start dusting the most commonly used pieces in your living room, including electronics. Don’t forget to dust hard-to-reach spots such as corners or frames. Do this at least once a week. To ensure that you will not just spread the dust in the indoor air, it’s best to use a dusting tool. Making your space a no-shoe zone is also a great way to minimize the outdoor allergens coming into your house.

  1. Pay attention to cleaning products

Regularly cleaning your home is important, but you should also make sure that you’re using safe, eco-friendly detergents and sprays. Cleaners that are chemically formulated and heavily perfumed can cause allergic reactions, especially to people with asthma. Instead of buying cleaning products with harsh chemicals, use salt and vinegar to clean your surfaces. Other natural, non-toxic cleaning alternatives include baking soda, cornstarch, lemon, oil or vegetable oil, and hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Wash bedding accessories

Another favorite dwelling spot of microscopic dust mites is your bedding. Having clean bedding is necessary to prevent exposure to dust and minimize the risk of allergic reactions. After all, you literally sleep on it every night. One smart way to prevent dust mites from taking over your bed is to add extra layers of protection to your pillows or mattress. You can buy allergen-blocking or dust-proof covers. If you are already suffering from allergy symptoms and own a pet, make your bed pet-free. Pet dander and hair can attract allergens.

  1. Replace old HVAC

An old HVAC system can’t typically provide you with good air quality. In fact, old units can pose several health concerns for individuals with asthma or other respiratory problems since they tend to collect harmful microorganisms and toxins. To maintain cleaner indoor air and reduced-allergy home environment, call on an HVAC system installer to get a new, better unit. Having a new HVAC system can also improve comfort around your home as it helps better regulate the temperature in your rooms.

  1. Get rid of carpeting

If you suffer from allergies or doing a renovation, you should probably consider removing your carpet. Experts say that people with allergies should opt for cork flooring since it is fire retardant and naturally antimicrobial. If you can’t really give up your carpeting, you should at least use one that is 100% wool. Also, instead of using the typical wall-to-wall carpeting, use carpet squares. They are much easier and cheaper to replace when it wears.

  1. Don’t forget about mold growth

Last but not least, pay attention to mold inside your home. Letting them sit indoors can lead to all sorts of problems such as skin rash, sore throat, stuffy nose, and coughing. That’s why you should remove mold that moment you spot it. But of course, prevention is always best. To prevent mold growth, keep your home’s humidity levels low and ensure indoor air flows freely. You should also immediately fix leaks on plumbing, walls, and roof to avoid moisture where mold can grow.

Minimize your body’s exposure to allergens with your living space is possible by doing these simple tasks. Make an effort to identify your allergy triggers and create a safer home based on your health requirements. Bonus tip: You can consult with your family physician regarding your current or potential allergies to get more accurate and professional advice.


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