doctor checking neck of woman

Lifestyle Changes You Need if You Have Hypothyroidism


Hypothyroidism is brought about by a thyroid gland that is underactive. This means it is producing fewer thyroid hormones than what your body needs. When there are not enough thyroid hormones in your blood, you feel fatigued, depressed and forgetful. You can also notice certain changes such as feeling a lot colder than usual and getting dry skin.

While there is no cure for this illness, you can have yourself checked at a Las Vegas clinic to manage your hypothyroidism. It is crucial to get periodic TSH tests to measure the amount of thyroid hormones in your blood for your physician to recommend the appropriate dosage.

Apart from this, some lifestyle changes are also essential to keep you healthy, and your diet is one of them. Here are some things you need to know.

Choose Whole Grains

If you are used to white, thoroughly processed bread, then it is time to change that. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is constipation, which means you need to consume more fiber. Whole grain food aid in digestion and help regulate it. Make sure to pick whole grain bread, cereal and pasta when grocery shopping.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

woman eating saladIt may sound cliché, but one way to stay fit and healthy is to consume more fruits and vegetables. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain, and eating fatty foods or those high in calories can definitely make you gain weight.

Eating a balanced meal will help keep you energized and avoid weight gain. It is important to watch what you eat, and if possible keep a dietary plan.

Avoid Iodine and Selenium

While iodine is necessary for those who do not have any thyroid problems, this is not the case for those who have hypothyroidism. These supplements can interfere with your thyroid hormone levels, and too much can destroy the thyroid gland.

There are foods that are already rich in iodine and selenium and taking supplements may result in overconsumption. Make sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

Learn About Goitrogens

Your diet can get a bit tricky with hypothyroidism. Certain foods contain “goitrogens,” which should be consumed cooked or in moderation since they can affect the thyroid function or the levels of hormones in the blood. This includes soy foods (soymilk, tofu and edamame beans), cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, spinach and kale). Meanwhile, avoid foods rich in gluten and caffeine.


Working out helps tone your muscles and makes you feel stronger. A sedentary lifestyle is a magnet for a lot of other diseases such as hypertension and heart problems. You do not need to work out for hours every day. Start with a 30-minute exercise and take it from there.

It is not easy to live with any disease, but it is possible to still enjoy life and perform like usual if it is managed well. The same goes for hypothyroidism. It is essential to communicate with your doctors to keep yourself on track and your hypothyroidism managed.

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