dental team

Creating a home-like environment for patients across the board


When visiting a dental practice, whether for the first time, the millionth time or after a long gap, the hopes and aims of the individual can burn bright within them. It may be that the patient is seeking a way to realign their smile or replace a missing tooth. No matter what the reason for the visit, our dental team consistently approaches each patients’ care with enthusiasm and dedication. Every visit is to be a positive experience so as to ensure that the patient is comfortable and future appointments are attended rather than missed.

Why is it important for your dental team to know your oral health aims?

When seeking to change different elements of your smile, whether it be through a more thorough clean or something more reliant on a procedure or treatment plan, it is important for your Dentist Harley Street to be fully informed of the goals from the outset. By keeping the dental team informed from the very beginning they are able to work with you to devise an appropriate plan of action to get your smile how you want it. By starting the process together, and understanding where the patient is coming from, the dental team is able to work with the patient to successfully achieve the end goal.

Suffering from nerves?

dental appointment

Whilst each individual experiences nervousness around visits to the dental practice in different ways, it is important to know that you are not alone. Studies have shown that there are high percentages of adults who have a fear surrounding the visits to the dental practice due to a lack of positive and regular appointments throughout childhood. Whilst this is of course not the only reason, it can be a comfort to know that there are others suffering from nerves similar to your own. In order to assist any patients suffering from anxiety or nervousness, it is important to inform the reception team from the start. By keeping your dental team in the loop they are able to ensure that extra measures are put in place to assist each appointment you have, whether it be talking through the process from start to finish, or playing a particular piece of music to calm the nerves. Discuss any concerns you have regarding your visit and the dental team will work hard to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the entirety of your visit.

Matching your dental team to you

Upon discussing your dental needs or aims, the reception team will ensure that you are matched to the most suitable dental team member. Whilst this may seem like an obvious thing to do, it is through the opening questions and friendly chit-chat that the information will be noted down allowing the reception team to ascertain what your dental needs are and where they might lead.

Creating a welcoming approach whilst helping you achieve your dental dream is what we are all about and therefore get in contact with your dental team today to begin or rejuvenate your dental journey.

Villa Hope Content Team

Villa Hope Content Team

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