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Make Your Work-From-Home Setup Productive even with Kids


Gone are the days when work should be done at the office, and the home is only for rest. With many companies adopting a work from home set up to keep their employees safe, the home has transformed into a personal office.

Working from home has its own set of challenges. For one, there are many distractions. Second, for those who have children, the distractions may be two-fold. If your young child is under a remote learning program, then you will have another load on your plate to consider.

Productivity can mean different things to anyone. Achieving it can also vary, depending on the preference of the person. You may be able to work on your piling tasks while listening to music, while your spouse may be more efficient when the room is quiet.

How Office Space Impacts Employee Productivity and Well-Being

Businesses and employers hire designers and spend hundreds to thousands of dollars for their office furniture installation. This is because workspace design can affect the mental well-being of their employees. A well-designed workspace with ergonomic office furniture can make the work environment conducive for work. Employees will feel more comfortable and invigorated to work on their tasks.

A little privacy is also important. Empowering employees with a desk of their own where they can weave and create their own magic is important for employees’ overall happiness and satisfaction. Happy and satisfied employees tend to perform better, and they will also strive to make their customers happy.

Create a Productive Home Office Setup

If you have been aspiring for that corner office desk, now is your chance to do it. You can set up a room or a corner in your home into your home office. Convert it into a space where you will be happy to spend most of your day. You can set your desk near a window that overlooks your garden, so you can look out the window whenever you need a boost.

The best part is, you can decorate it the way you want. Do you like some fresh flowers nearby? Then fill a vase with your favorite blooms. Do artworks and paintings inspire you with ideas? Then hang a favorite painting or two where you can easily see them while you are working. It’s your space, and no one can stop you from setting it up just the way you like it.

Keep a small table with all your healthy distractions nearby, such as a small coffee maker, nuts and quick snacks, or even a book. Mini breaks are important for your sanity. Keep them close, so you don’t need to leave your desk when you need a cup of your favorite brew. You can also have your essential oils and your diffuser nearby so you can diffuse your go-to blends whenever you need a pick-me-upper or something to calm you down.

Make sure to invest in proper lighting and comfortable ventilation. You would not want to work in a too warm or chilly room. Your comfort is of importance when you want to be efficient and productive. Lighting can also help set the mood of your work area. Warmer lights such as orange and warm yellow are relaxing, while cooler lights such as blue are good for your concentration.

What to Do If You Have Children

family bonding

If you have children who are also doing school from your home, you can have their desks near you. This way, you can easily watch over them while they have their online classes. You can easily assist them when they need your help with their activities. Avoid media distractions, such as Netflix and music, if your children are sitting next to you. It will be disrespectful to their teacher and the class to have background noise during their class.

Same as your healthy distractions, also keep some snacks for them nearby. However, have enough snacks just for the day so that they don’t end up eating more than they should.

If your children are not yet in school, you can set up their play area next to you. It can be challenging, especially with toddlers who need your constant attention. It can help if you create a schedule for your kids’ activities and schedule your work time around it. Your kids’ schedule can look something like this:

  • 8 AM: Wake Up/ Bath/ Get Dressed
  • 9 AM: Breakfast
  • 10 AM: Activity Time
  • 11 AM: Clean Up and Prepare for Lunch
  • 12 NN: Lunchtime
  • 1 PM: Nap Time
  • 3 PM: Outdoor Play
  • 4 PM: Snack Time
  • 6 PM: Bath Time
  • 7 PM: Dinnertime

When you have a schedule of your kids’ activities, you can assess and identify where you can insert the bulk of your work. You can also divide some activities with your husband. You can watch over the morning activity time, and your husband can watch over them while they play outside in the afternoon.

Working from home may seem like a vacation to some, but for parents, it means having to divide their attention and time constantly. Having a space where you can work efficiently and but still be able to watch over your precious children are both important. It is a must that you also take breaks when necessary and to ask your spouse for help.

Villa Hope Content Team

Villa Hope Content Team

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