Teeth X-ray

Before, During, After: What to Expect When You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed


Wisdom teeth or more commonly referred to as “third molars” are a third set of molars that grow in the back of your mouth. They are referred to as “wisdom teeth” because they commonly grow at around ages 17-25.

The growth of wisdom teeth is one of the common indications of maturity, and for some people getting them removed is almost like a rite of passage. Wisdom teeth removal in Richmond, Indiana, is a process that most people have to go through because when they start growing, they begin to cause problems, like impacting, crowding the wrong places in your mouth, and may go off in the wrong position and angle.

If you’re one of those people who get scared when this happens (thanks to a lot of viral and hilarious removal of wisdom teeth videos), here are a couple of things to expect to at least get you prepared for what’s to come:

Before Having the Procedure

Usually, the oral surgeons would confirm first if the wisdom teeth have grown and needs to be pulled out. You would be scheduled for an appointment. Before having them removed, make sure you inform the oral surgeons of any health problems you have that are related to teeth or oral hygiene or not.

And also make sure you list down if there are any prescription drugs you take regularly. Most wisdom teeth procedures do not require an overnight treatment – meaning you can go home on the same day. So make sure you set up any sort of aftercare when the day comes.

You can also inform your oral surgeon ahead of time about the type numbing mechanism you prefer. Tell him you want to be under sedation, which means you’re still awake but less conscious and aware of the surroundings, or under local anesthesia, which means you’re awake while the procedure is ongoing without feeling any pain.

You can also choose the general anesthesia, which means you’ll be asleep the whole time and not remember a thing.

What Happens During the Procedure

Just like any other tooth extraction, the entire procedure could about 45 minutes or less. And depending on the type of anesthesia you chose, the procedure would be quick and painless. There would be instances that the procedure would include cutting through gums and bones to get to your teeth.

When that happens, the oral surgeon would have to stitch it up so that it heals quickly. Not to worry though, the stitches for this procedure would usually dissolve after a couple of days.

Recovery Time after Surgery

People responds to anesthesia differently, so the after results could be different for each person. Right after the procedure, you might still feel a little groggy and drowsy, so it is advisable that you have someone else to drive you home.

However the recovery process could go from being slightly uncomfortable and to feeling extreme pain because of the swelling, but that’s said to only last for at least three to four days after the procedure. Place an ice pack on the side of your face for any discoloration on the skin and swelling to heal quicker.

Growing wisdom teeth may cause problems in the way you consumer your food and your overall oral health, so getting them removed and going through a few content-worthy clips is definitely worth it.

Villa Hope Content Team

Villa Hope Content Team

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